I feel Fat – What Can I Do?

I Feel Fat

“I feel fat is” one of the phrases that modern people, especially women, use very often. Feeling fat is a specific condition that is very common in women who have finished the treatment of certain kinds of eating disorders. Of course, this is something that people, in general, feel too. Now that you know that feeling fat is not unusual, it is crucial to […]

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How To Manifest Money

how to manifest money

Manifesting Money It is not very difficult to learn how to manifest money. The difficult part is to use your knowledge to achieve this goal. The fact is that you can’t expect some other person to make you believe and understand your possibilities. So, the most important factor in this process is to start believing in your-self. Of course, there are some other things […]

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MonoPhobia : Overview, Insights, and Treatment What is Monophobia? While all forms of anxiety and panic disorders are taxing, Monophobia is one of the most exhausting because it directly involves the relationships of the one who suffers. Monophobia is described as the fear of being alone, and can go by other names such as Isolaphobia, Autophobia, and Eremophobia. The sufferer often is terrified to […]

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Law of Attraction Meditation

Law of Attraction Meditation

Meditate Your Way to Manifestation Since you’re here looking to improve your success at implementing the Law of Attraction, you probably already know what this law is. Using the Law of Attraction is directly manifesting your desires by shifting the vibrational frequency of your thoughts and body so that you can receive the abundance you’re envisioning. Using a Law of Attraction meditation to intentionally […]

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Positive Affirmations For Kids

Positive Affirmations For Kids

Positive Affirmations for Kids and Tips on Teaching Them Childhood is a difficult time of life. As a child, you’re trying to navigate and make sense of the world. Who should you listen to, and who has your best interest in mind? As a parent, you want to make sure your kids listen to you and to themselves before anyone else, because you of […]

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Affirmations For Success

Affirmations For Success

Best Positive Affirmations Did you know that everything we think about and everything we talk about is manifested in our reality, in one way or another? That’s right! By repeating thought patterns, you program yourself often unaware, that’s because thought patterns, experiences, and images are implanted deep into your subconscious, fortunately, there are some techniques that can help you change the content of your […]

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Fear Of Losing Someone

Fear Of Losing Someone

How Fear of Losing Your Partner Endangers Your Relationship  Love is a gift. A gift that we give to others and a gift they give to us. And to give someone that special gift of love, you need to accept yourself completely, because only then you’ll be able to accept all virtues and flaws of your partner, but finding that kind of love is rare […]

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Law of Attraction Relationships

law of attraction relationships

A Few Things Everyone Should Know About Law of Attraction Relationships : Law of attraction is a belief that positive thoughts and vibrations are crucial for positive life experiences. Many people use the law of attraction to improve their lifestyle and financial situation. However, in the recent period, there are more and more people who are using the law of attraction to strengthen or […]

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Law Of Attraction Affirmations

Law Of Attraction Affirmations

We have all heard about this term, but do we know what exactly law of attraction is? There is no official definition of this term, but to put it simply, the law of attraction is a belief and concept that suggests that like attracts like. In other words, people attract what they think and what you believe. We all have negative and positive thoughts, […]

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Positive Affirmations For Success

Positive affirmations for success

Success doesn’t come easy If you want to reach success and be ready to tackle any challenges that may come your way, you need to be in a positive mood. A positive approach will help you maintain an adequate vision over things, even if the road towards success is not the smoothest out there. In fact, many people use positive affirmations for success, because […]

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