Business Owner Mindset and Coaching Tips

What’s the one thing which every business owner wants? Of course, it would be getting successful in their respective field! However, the failure rate of startups and small businesses is fairly high, which can be attributed to not having an open mind, no expertise, and not having the right type of business owner mindset! Surprisingly, you can develop all of these through coaching for […]

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Failure Stories Of Entrepreneurs 2022

failure stories of entrepreneurs

Introduction We all know that entrepreneurs are a special breed. They are risk-takers, they are passionate, and they are always looking for new opportunities. However, what we often forget is that not all entrepreneurs are successful. In fact, most entrepreneurs have experienced failure at some point in their careers. While failure can be discouraging, it can also be a great learning opportunity. These failure […]

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Winning The Game of Procrastination Review

Winning the game of procrastination review

Suppose you search for more information about the Neurogym guide for making a way out of your life. Or to settle for those decisions you are satisfied with. Then John Assaraf has the best solution for you, which is winning the game of procrastination. If you have always believed in avoiding taking decisions or any action until the last minute, then having an extreme […]

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How To Train Your Brain for Success

How To Train Your Brain For Success

The human brain is very important for the functioning of the whole body. Without a healthy brain, the mechanism of life cannot work and proceed well. The way your brain process thoughts and ideas matter a lot. There is a huge impact on how you think about your everyday life. But it does not mean that people who cannot control their minds have to […]

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Winning The Game Of Business Review

Winning The Game of Business Review

Establishing a business and making it work can be a daunting experience. Many hurdles affect the growth of a successful business. These hurdles are not just external; and they can be internal as well in the form of limitations. Sometimes, our mental obstructions limit us from achieving our maximum. To overcome such limitations, it is not the external resources we need but, in fact, […]

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Weight Loss Motivation

Today we’re going to talk about motivation and its role in losing weight… A lot of people wonder how one can stay motivated when trying to lose weight. It’s a great question, and it’s the one I’m excited to dive into. So let’s get started! Motivation is a Feeling! The first thing we have to remember is that motivation is a feeling. And no […]

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How Stoicism Make You Happier


Would you believe that humans have been around for 300,000 years? In other words, our brain (software) is also as old as 300,000 years! Although the brain is as old as humans, it has gone through a lot of updates and changes over the years. Today, we will talk about an important update for the mind called Stoicism. Whether you believe it or not, […]

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