Winning The Game Of Business Review

Winning The Game of Business Review

Establishing a business and making it work can be a daunting experience. Many hurdles affect the growth of a successful business. These hurdles are not just external; and they can be internal as well in the form of limitations. Sometimes, our mental obstructions limit us from achieving our maximum. To overcome such limitations, it is not the external resources we need but, in fact, […]

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Weight Loss Motivation

Today we’re going to talk about motivation and its role in losing weight… A lot of people wonder how one can stay motivated when trying to lose weight. It’s a great question, and it’s the one I’m excited to dive into. So let’s get started! Motivation is a Feeling! The first thing we have to remember is that motivation is a feeling. And no […]

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How Stoicism Make You Happier


Would you believe that humans have been around for 300,000 years? In other words, our brain (software) is also as old as 300,000 years! Although the brain is as old as humans, it has gone through a lot of updates and changes over the years. Today, we will talk about an important update for the mind called Stoicism. Whether you believe it or not, […]

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Seneca Effect: Why You’ll Never Succeed

Seneca Effect

There are some universal patterns that apply to all domains of life… Once you do that, it will allow you to really see and understand the world clearly. One of those universal patterns is the Seneca Effect which has practical applications in business, relationships, wealth, and so on. Since it is a universal pattern, you can also use it to avoid massive pitfalls that […]

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5 Ways to Boost Your Self Awareness

Boost Self Awareness

The ancient Greeks defined self-awareness in this quote: “know thyself.” And like Sun Tzu said: “know yourself and know your enemy, and in a hundred battles, you will never be in peril.” From life’s major problems to trying to figure out what to do with your life in the first place, Self-Awareness can be one of the biggest assets you get! It helps one […]

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How To Increase Your Self-Awareness

Self Awareness

In this topic, we will learn to identify and express our strengths, interests, and areas of improvement. We will also learn how we can use our strengths to contribute to the organization’s goal. We often look at others around us and compare ourselves to them… Sometimes, we feel that we are better than them, while at other times, it seems that they are better […]

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Law of Attraction Meditation

Law of Attraction Meditation

Meditate Your Way to Manifestation Since you’re here looking to improve your success at implementing the Law of Attraction, you probably already know what this law is. Using the Law of Attraction is directly manifesting your desires by shifting the vibrational frequency of your thoughts and body so that you can receive the abundance you’re envisioning. Using a Law of Attraction meditation to intentionally […]

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Positive Affirmations For Kids

Positive Affirmations For Kids

Positive Affirmations for Kids and Tips on Teaching Them Childhood is a difficult time of life. As a child, you’re trying to navigate and make sense of the world. Who should you listen to, and who has your best interest in mind? As a parent, you want to make sure your kids listen to you and to themselves before anyone else, because you of […]

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