What is the Difference between Affirmation and Manifestation?

A lot of people wonder about the difference between affirmation and manifestation. In reality, there is very little difference between them since they are all based on faith. All of these things require a plan, dream, desire, or a plan for a specific thing. And none of these things (affirmation and manifestation) will yield any results if you lack the personal drive to achieve […]

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How To Grow & Thrive As a Multi Passionate!

What is the meaning of multi passionate? In simple words, this term can be used to describe people who possess multiple interests & have difficulties settling on a single career. For example, if someone says that they are passionate about sports, then their passion will be single. But if someone says that they are passionate about sports, writing books, and racing cars, then that […]

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How To Train Your Mind To Think Positively

We all face challenges at some point in our personal lives and even our professional careers. If we talk about career in particular, any challenges in this field can make us feel uncertain and can even put us in a negative loop. From choosing the right field to competitive peers to nudging relatives – All of this can bring you down and even make […]

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John Assaraf Review & Net Worth

The people you surround yourself with can also play an important in the success of your life. I mean, we all have witnessed it at some time that when we reach out to someone in the hope that they will help us only to receive no reply. When this happens, it brings a lot of bad emotions such as frustration, depression, and even feeling […]

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Neurogym Weight Loss Reviews

neurogym weight loss reviews

John Assaraf is behind a lot of successful programs which have helped thousands to improve themselves and achieve their goals. If we look at some of the popular programs launched by John Assaraf, they include “Winning the Game of Money,” “Cloning of Business Success,” and “Having it all.” But the newest program of John Assaraf is about weight loss and has taken the online […]

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