Different Steps of Neural Reconditioning

Does it feel like the same behavior and problem is circling you again and again? If this defines you, then you are not alone! In fact, this can happen with every single of them, and it is related to our habits. When we repeat the same tasks or behaviors, again and again, it forms a strong neural network in our minds. Now that task […]

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The Relationship Between Time and Human Beings

Without any doubt, humans are one of the most complex living organisms on the planet earth. In fact, humans were also the first species of sentient nature that inhabited the earth. According to rough estimates, humans have been around for several hundreds of thousands of years. One particular concept that all humans are familiar with is the concept of time. If you ask me […]

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What is the Difference between Affirmation and Manifestation?

A lot of people wonder about the difference between affirmation and manifestation. In reality, there is very little difference between them since they are all based on faith. All of these things require a plan, dream, desire, or a plan for a specific thing. And none of these things (affirmation and manifestation) will yield any results if you lack the personal drive to achieve […]

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How To Grow & Thrive As a Multi Passionate!

What is the meaning of multi passionate? In simple words, this term can be used to describe people who possess multiple interests & have difficulties settling on a single career. For example, if someone says that they are passionate about sports, then their passion will be single. But if someone says that they are passionate about sports, writing books, and racing cars, then that […]

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